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Internal medicine


Internal medicine physicians specialise in human organs and organ systems. This includes heart, circulation, metabolism and digestion, breathing and vessels. Apart from treating body malfunctions, internal medicine focuses on preventing illnesses. Before starting a treatment, it is of utter importance for the internal physician to conduct a comprehensive anamneses. This means that doctor and patient have an in-depth conversation about current medical problems. An anamneses also takes into account medical history, risk factors as well as biological, psychological and social aspects. Even though a final evaluation is often not possible, an anamneses is vital to decide which further treatment and examination are needed. 


Our services in internal medicine include

  • Comprehensive manual physical examination
  • Ultrasound of thyroid with colour coding (to see the blood circulation)
  • Ultrasound of carotid with colour coding (double sonography of brain-supplying vessels)
  • Ultrasound of thorax (upper body)
  • Ultrasound of the heart with colour coding (specialised in echocardiography)
  • Ultrasound of stomach with colour coding
  • Pulmonary function testing
  • Blood pressure measurement, long-term blood pressure measurement
  • ECG, long-term ECG, stress ECG
  • Extensive laboratory diagnostics